Starting this blog is my 2020 New Year’s resolution

For the record, it was my New Year’s resolution last year as well, but this time I really mean it (hah!). It’s not as if the world really *needs* one more food blog, especially from someone living in New York City, but I certainly spend enough time looking for/thinking about/talking about food, and have sufficiently eclectic tastes, that I’m willing to throw my contribution into the ring. And besides, I’ve been meaning to do this for years. Years.

I will confess upfront that I don’t cook very much—if I come up or stumble upon an interesting recipe, which does happen on occasion—I might post something about it, but if you’re looking for a cooking blog, this won’t be it. Besides, I often find cooking blogs somewhat irritating because almost invariably, the actual recipes are buried under paragraphs of text about… well, I’m not quite sure what since I never really bother to read them. So I’ll do my best to keep things pithy.

That said, here are some basics. I love cheese—so much in fact that one of my not-so-secret dreams in life is to be a cheesemonger. I also really love gelato. And semifreddo (basically frozen mousse), which is basically impossible to find outside of fancy restaurants in the U.S. Also, pastry. Can you tell I have a thing for dairy products, and sweets? I’m also seriously into spicy food (particularly Thai and Mexican, at least right now), and although I live in Manhattan (in the food desert otherwise known as the Upper West Side), but I think that Queens is just about the most fascinating place on earth to eat. I have nothing against fancy restaurants, but given the choice between atmosphere and taste, I’ll take a fabulous hole in the wall any day.